Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 19-21

Lizard Adoption Week

By now, everyone adopting one (or two) of our class anoles has been notified as of last Tuesday. The anoles must be picked up in my room at school after school either Monday (Nov 19), Tuesday (Nov 20), or Wednesday (Nov 21). Students need to have a parent along for the pickup as live animals are not allowed on the buses.

Bring a secure box with air holes to transfer the lizards to their new homes. Immediate needs are a terrarium (pet store or wal mart), a heat source (We're using clamp lamps with 60 watt bulbs. A small reptile light from a pet store is preferable), spring water with a sprayer for daily spraying, and food (i.e. Live small crickets - 1 dozen a week would be sufficient. They've been fed here about 3 times a week with approximately 2 crickets per feeding. Mrs. Ashley checked prices of live small crickets at Speck's in Greenfield last Friday and found price to be around $1.50/dozen. Check with your favorite pet store for specific cost.)

Spending a lot isn't necessary to maintain your new family member. Students have learned how to use natural materials to set up a terrarium. (Local soil, Sticks from trees, Toilet paper rolls, Found rocks, Leftover grass seed from this past summer)

The anoles must be picked up on this week. I will be at school until 3:30 pm all three days. If you need to pick up earlier in the day, call the office (326-3121) to let them know when you'd like to come for pick up. All anoles will be gone after Wednesday afternoon.

Fall Celebration

The fifth grade Fall Celebration is set for Wednesday, November 21 from 1:30 to 2:00. If you would like to send in a treat (cookies, etc.), bottled water, napkins, or paper plates for 29 students, e-mail me at

This Week's Agenda

Monday, November 19 (Gold Day)
1. U.S. Cities race
2. Lizard Kings: The Monitor Lizard [PBS video]

Tuesday, November 20 (Blue Day)
1. Open journal science test over our Food Chain investigation
2. Science Activity #11 - Food Chain Game

Wednesday, November 21 (Gold Day)
1. Spanish come to the New World
2. Science Activity #12 - The Web of Life

Have a Great Thanksgiving!


Extra: Here's a copy of the handout to be given to all lizard "adopters" this week.

Anole Information

Thanks for adopting an anole! Here are a few tips for care.


Anoles need a controlled environment.  The terrarium should be their habitat at all times. Do not allow them loose in the house. (They’re extremely skittish and hard to catch.)  They also don’t react well to excessive handling and prefer a life of leisure in the terrarium. If handled, be sure to wash your hands after contact with the lizards or their environment.

A small terrarium about the size of the ones used at school is adequate. Your child’s journal should have a sheet showing the basic setup needed for the lizards. We also stressed using natural materials, rather than expensive store bought material. (local soil, climbing sticks fallen from trees, found rocks, toilet paper rolls, leftover grass seed from the past summer.

Heat Source:
We’ve been using inexpensive clamp lamps (I purchased one from Home Depot – the cheapest one available) with 60 watt light bulbs. Reptile bulbs provide more of the sunlike radiation needed to maintain good health. These are available at pet stores. For anoles, get the smallest bulb available. Your favorite pet store will also give you more detailed information on heating needs for a healthy reptile environment.

Food / Water:
The terrarium should be sprayed daily with spring water. (I purchased spring water at Wal-Mart for 88 cents/gallon) Use an inexpensive household sprayer. Lizards will like water off the walls and surfaces. They will also drink from small water dishes but frequently knock those over.

Anoles are insectivores – they eat small live insects. Live crickets are available at pet stores. Mrs. Ashley checked prices at Speck’s in Greenfield last week and found cost to be approximately $1.50 per dozen. We’ve been feeding ours three times a week with one to three crickets per anole per feeding. They will occasionally eat small mealworms but aren’t as interested in them as with the crickets. The crickets need to be small or pinhead crickets. The anoles are not able to eat the larger crickets. (Warning: Never feed lightning bugs to anoles – they’re poisonous to them.)

Learn more about the care and feeding of these fascinating creatures in books available at pet stores and your local library, by checking “anole care” on the internet, and by talking to your favorite pet store carrying reptiles.

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 12-16, 2012

Permission Slips

Permission slips for BizTown and the DARE picnic went home several weeks ago. We're asking that parents return the permission before Thanksgiving vacation. The cost is $20.00 per student and is due by January 31, 2013. If this causes financial hardships, please contact me at Maxwell (326-3121). Also, check out the BizTown information on the school website for more information about the program, about volunteer information (we need about 25 volunteers altogether), and to see some pictures from last year's program.

Veterans' Day

Fifth grade will be celebrating Veterans' Day this year with a program in the gymnasium on Tuesday, November 13 from 8:00-8:30. Parents and relatives are certainly invited to attend.

Lizard Adoption

Students have been bringing in permission slips for adoption of one of our class anoles (i.e. small American Chameleons). Parents need to be aware that there is some expense involved in keeping a lizard as a pet. The anoles will require a terrarium with terrarium setup materials, a lamp with a reptile light bulb that simulates full spectrum sunlight, spring water and a misting spray bottle for a daily spraying with water, and a continuing supply of live crickets. Terrariums and setup materials are available at stores such as Wal Mart and pet stores (such as Speck's in Greenfield, Pet Smart, Uncle Bill's, etc.). Spring water and spray bottles can be found at most grocery and convenience stores. Anoles need to be fed small crickets or equivalent insects. We've purchased crickets from Speck's in Greenfield. Information on the care and feeding of anoles is available in most libraries, pet stores, and online. (

The drawing for students with permission slips will be held this week so that parents can be informed by Wednesday, November 14 to provide adequate time to make necessary preparations. Parents of students adopting lizards will need to come to school on November 19, 20, or 21 to pick up your new family member as live animals are not allowed on the school bus. I will be in the room each of those afternoons from 2:10 until 3:30. Bring a box with holes (shoe boxes work great) to transport the anoles home.

This Week's Agenda

Monday, Nov 12 (Blue Day)
1. Science: Bill Nye video on plants / Sudy guide and discussion
2. Social Studies: Homework - Study for major cities quiz on Wednesday
3. Anole feeding

Tuesday, Nov 13 (Gold Day)
1. Veterans' Day program 8:00-8:30
2.  Science: Soil Activity #1
3.  Social Studies: Homework - Study for major cities quiz on Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov 14 (Blue Day)
1. Social Studies: Major cities quiz (Study guide was created and sent home on Thursday, Nov 8
2. Science: Magic School Bus video - "Get Planted"
3. Anole feeding
4. Adoption drawing

Thursday, Nov 15 (Gold Day & Fun Day)
1. Social Studies: Columbus' Expedition
2. Science: Soil Activity #2

Friday, Nov 16 (Blue Day)
1. Science: Quiz over this week's vocabulary and activities
2. Anole feeding

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 5-9

  • The anoles (American Southeastern Chameleons) came to spend some time with the fifth grade last week. Student teams have been working on the construction of terrarium homes for the lizards and have successfully been feeding crickets to them. We'll be continuing our study of food chains and webs this week through observation of the anoles as well as some observation of crickets and earthworms.
  • Monday: Blocks 1 and 2 need to complete the observation of earthworms and their body parts. After observation, the worms will take up permanent residence in the terrariums. Block 3 will be doing some additions to the terrariums and will add a worm anatomy sheet to their science journals.
  • Tuesday: Blocks 1 and 2 will add their worm anatomy sheets to the journals. All three blocks will begin reading in the Food Chain reading book about food chains and webs. Groups will also review cricket anatomy for a quiz tomorrow. (Tuesday is a scheduled feeding day for the lizards.)
  • Wednesday: Short quiz on cricket anatomy. Students may use their notes from the science journal for this activity.
  • Thursday: Insect video. (Thursday is another scheduled feeding day. Have your student explain why reptiles need less food than warm blooded animals.)
  • Friday: More work in the Food Chain reading book today.
This week students will be bringing home a permission slip outlining how they would qualify to adopt one of the lizards at the conclusion of our study.

Care sheet for green anoles: 

Social Studies

  • Monday and Tuesday: Elections and voting - Homework: Remind your parents to go to the polls and vote on Tuesday!
  • Wednesday: Make a study map of 10 major U.S. cities that are not capitals. (New York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans, Denver, Los Angeles, Houston, Phoenix, and Miami). A map test on the location of these cities is set for Wednesday, November 14.
Printable maps from
Printable U.S. outline maps from Eduation Place:

Fifth Grade News

The fifth grade Veterans' Day program is set for Tuesday, November 13 at 8:00 in the gymnasium. Parents and relatives are invited to attend this short program honoring all those who have served our country through military service.