Friday, December 21, 2012

Snow Day

I have good news - and I have bad news.

The good news (for students) is that due to last night's snow and high wind, today school was cancelled and the Winter Break began a day early. But now for the bad news. Our gift exchange and holiday party was set for today. The homerooms will exchange gifts when we return in January.  Our Homeroom will also celebrate a December 20th birthday in January.

But wait -there's more!  Because of the set up of the new calendar, the December 21 snow day will be made up on March 18 (formerly the first day of the two week Spring Break - The calendar was designed to be able to use the first five days of the Spring Break as make up days for lost snow days.)

Apparently, what the weather giveth, the weather taketh away.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

January 8-11, 2013

Time for the two week holiday break is almost here - and there's not a fifth grader in the building who's not eagerly waiting for tomorrow's final bell at 2:10

We did finish up the test in science today on the muscular/skeletal system that Mrs. Ashley and I put together this week. It covered the skeleton and several important bones, the jump rope investigation, our study of owl pellets, muscles, ligaments and tendons, the three different types of joints, and our study of prototypes and the scientific method through the Dolphin Tale video.

As mentioned earlier, the two week holiday break begins with dismissal tomorrow (Dec 21); school resumes at the regular time on Tuesday, January 8.

Have a fun break!

Agenda for January 8-11

Tuesday, January 8: Science- Review the Muscular-skeletal system and introduce the digestive system

Wednesday, January 9: Science- Reading about the digestive system in the FOSS reader; Soc Stud- Review English Colonies
Thursday, January 10: Science- Magic Schoolbus (Inside Ralphie); Soc Stud- USA Weekly #11
Friday, January 11: Science- Tastebud investigation and Digestive System simulation!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dolphin Tale

I don't like showing movies in class just as a time filler or for purely entertainment purposes. I guess my feeling is that's what students do in front of the TV and at the local cineplex.

However, when a film comes along that fits perfectly into our curriculum, Mrs. Ashley and I are more than ready to incorporate it into our schedule. This Tuesday and Wednesday just such a film was used in our classrooms. Dolphin Tale is based on the true story of Winter, a dolphin who was injured in a crab trap and rescued by the Clearwater (FL) Marine Aquarium. Unfortunately, her tail became so badly infected that it had to be amputated. Subsequently, after a long period of trial and error, she was successfully fitted with a prosthetic tail.

This story perfectly meshed with several of the standards we've been teaching in our unit on the muscular-skeletal systems of humans and animals. It reinforced our lessons on how muscles and skeletons work together to provide movement, how some non-functioning body parts can be replaced with prosthetics, and how the scientific method can be used to develop prototypes and models of new and developing technology. These concepts were thoroughly discussed as we watched the film and teacher created assessments are currently being used to evaluate student understanding of those concepts. The film also stressed some of the character qualities we have introduced to our classes, such as persistence, resourcefulness, and compassion.

If you'd like to view the movie at home with your children I'm sure they'd love to see it again. It's available wherever DVD's are available. Also check out Winter's website at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium at

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 17-21

All of us at MIS are trying to understand the unbelievable tragedy this week in Connecticut. We also want to assure you that we take student security very seriously.  Just recently we conducted one of our regular "Code Red" drills so your children understand how to help us keep them safe in just such an emergency. I know students are sometimes annoyed that my classroom door is usually locked, but in the unlikely chance that an emergency would arise, that detail is already covered.


Agenda for Dec. 17-21

Monday 12/17
  Social Studies - USA Weekly Newspaper: Benjamin Franklin
  Science - Tendons and Ligaments: Study Guide for 12/20 Test

Tuesday 12/18
  Science - Dolphin Tale video wrap up for study of body systems

Wednesday 12/19
  Science - Finish up Dolphin Tale and written checkup activities
  Social Studies - US Colonial period (Middle Colonies)

Thursday 12/20
  Science - Test on skeletal and muscular systems

Friday 12/21
  Science - Body System Quiz Game
  Holiday celebrations



Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 10-14

Week of December 10-14 - Agenda

Last Friday students took a short quiz on the skeletal system and our investigation of owl pellets. Rodent bones discovered in the pellets were reassembled and glued onto a rodent skeleton chart. This week we're continuing our study of the human body with several investigations on the structure and function of joints.

     Monday - Naming joints by structure and function
     Tuesday - Bones in a Bag activity (reassembling joints)
     Wednesday - Thumb joint task activity investigation
     Thursday - Making a working leg model
     Friday - Making a working arm model

Social Studies:
     Tuesday - Acuity Social Studies Test in 5th grade computer lab
     Wednesday - Map reading practice
     Thursday - USA Weekly newspaper: New England Colonies


Winter Celebration Gift Exchange

Here's a copy of the note sent home with students on Monday (Dec. 3)

To add to the festivities that winter-time brings, voluntary students will participate in a “Small Token School Supply Gift Exchange.” Each voluntary student is asked to bring in a wrapped school supply that costs $1.00. Our character trait for the month of December is “thriftiness”. We are teaching students to be resourceful and follow the three environmental R’s = reduce, reuse and recycle!  Therefore, we ask that students who choose to bring in a gift, think frugally and stick to the $1.00 limit.  You can visit our local Dollar Tree or Dollar General to find some great and fun school supplies that students can enjoy and use in class for minimal cost.  Many students are low on glue and are in need of scissors that have gone missing or crayons/markers. Students are always in need of more pencils and paper!

Boys will buy a boy-related item and girls will buy a girl-related item.  Each student’s wrapped gift will be placed in a large bag.  Please mark your gift “To a Girl” or “To a Boy” and “From: insert your name” on the wrapped gift.  Student Names will be randomly called to take an item from the bag to open. After each person receives a gift, we will open and share our new and useful school supply and emphasize gratefulness; the true meaning of the season.J

We appreciate your help and support in making this season special for your child here at school.   We’ve had so many generous parents that are so willing to donate their time and materials. We appreciate you! J


  • ***Students who plan to participate must bring in the gift by Wednesday, December 19th. 
  • Winter Holiday Party on Friday, Dec. 21st from 1:20-2:10
  • REMINDER: Students begin Holiday Break on FRIDAY, December 21st at 2:10.
  • Holiday Break: December 22- January 7.
    • School is back in session on Tuesday, January 8.
    • See you next year!! J
Happy Holidays!!

~The MIS Fifth Grade Team