Saturday, September 13, 2014

Standard Multiplication

September 15-19
Check here for activities and assignments for September 15-19, 2014
 >   September 15-19 Activities and Assignments

Standard Multiplication Algorithm
(From Everyday Math Student Reference Book)
Students have reviewed the partial products and lattice multiplication algorithms. Here's a brief outline of the trusty standard algorithm that most parents (and teachers) learned in school and are still using every day. It actually is a compressed (i.e. streamlined and probably more efficient) version of the partial products algorithm.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 8-12

This Week (September 8-12)
This week we'll be finishing Unit 2 of the Everyday Math program on estimation and computation.
     Monday - Finish work on probability with a "Heads or Tails" experiment
     Tuesday - Estimating products
     Wednesday - Partial products multiplication algorithm
     Thursday - Review lattice multiplication
     Friday - Unit 2 test

Students will receive a Unit 2 Study Guide on Monday.

Multiplication Algorithms
     (From the Everyday Math Student Reference Book)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Trade First Subtraction

The Trade-First subtraction algorithm is nearly identical to the standard subtraction algorithm except that all the renaming (borrowing) is completed before any subtraction begins. The advantage of this method is that it usually results in much less confusion to students than the standard algorithm's need to be constantly shifting between borrowing and subtracting.