Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week of September 24-28

This past Friday students saw a video presentation by Bill Nye on the principles of flight. Included in the presentation was an explanation of Bernoulli's Principle. Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician and scientist whose discoveries in the field of fluid dynamics helped create the possibility of heavier than air flight. Students learned that the differences in the speed of air going over and under an airplane wing create lift that allows a plane to fly.
Here are some experiments you can try at home to demonstrate Bernoulli's Principle.
Monday, September 24 (Gold Day)
Work on flight logs. We'll fly the planes the learning teams built last week to determine how winds of the propeller it takes to fly the full length of a flight line; and how many winds are required to fly half the length of a flight line. No homework.
Tuesday, September 25 (Blue Day)
Continue the study of how variables affect flight patterns by adding weight to the planes. No homework.
Wednesday, September 26 (Gold Day)
Short quiz on vocabulary. Read "Build Your Own Paper Airplane", page 29 in the FOSS reader.
Construct and conduct shuttle races. No homework
Thursday, September 27 (Blue Day)
Finish shuttle races if not done from Wednesday. Graph flight data using a two coordinate grid.
Friday, September 28 (Gold Day)
Read "Great Names in Aviation", pages 29-28 in the FOSS reader. There will be a writing assignment with this and a short video on the history of aviation.
Science work should be shared at home and then returned to the science binder to be used as  study guides for quizzes, tests, and portfolio work.


Social Studies
Monday, September 24 (Gold Day)
Create Western states study guide. (Quiz on Wednesday, October 3) Discuss progress on Native American projects.
Tuesday, September 25 (Blue Day)
Native American activity centers
Wednesday, September 26 (Gold Day)
Anti-bullying discussion with Mr. Stroud
We're working on the location of states and state capitals by region and will have weekly tests. Our next region will be the Western states with a quiz on Wednesday, October 3. That will be the last quiz before our two week Fall Break.
Students are continuing to work on their Native American projects due October 2. (Check the blog archive for the week of September 17 to see the original assignment sent home with students.) This week students will receive information on what is expected from their presentation of the project to the class that week.
Parent-teacher conferences are coming up the week after the break. Many of you signed up at the Meet Your Teacher night in August. This week I'll be sending home a reminder of appointment times and an opportunity to schedule an appointment if you haven't done so yet.



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