Tuesday, May 7, 2013

ISTEP is Finally Done!

Finally!!! We finished ISTEP this morning with the social studies tests. Our only issue with the testing was a short two minute delay for one student. Her computer froze up briefly during the second test, but came back online with no further interruption. When the results of this year's testing comes in, they'll be examined very carefully with an eye to the difficulties experienced so that none of our students is penalized for situations they had nothing to do with. (We probably should have told them there was more testing tomorrow...They were so relieved that the tension was finally over that everyone was, to say the least, pretty wired up for the rest of the day...LOL)

Tomorrow we have D.A.RE. graduation and the D.A.R.E. picnic on Friday. The gold team next week will be visiting the GCHS planetarium on Friday, May 17. Permission slips will be coming home this week.

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