Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 30 - October 4

Monday, September 30   (Gold Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Begin investigation with flippers (catapults). We'll be using small craft stick catapults to investigate the effect of different variables on the distance these catapults are able to throw small aluminum foil projectiles.
3. Homework: The state project is due Thursday.

Tuesday, October 1   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Today we're testing the effects of projectile size and angle of release on projectile distance.
3. Homework: The state project is due Thursday.

Wednesday, October 2   (Gold Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Mr. Stroud will be visiting class today for a presentation on bullying prevention.
3. Class will also be going over a study guide on everything we've discussed about variables.
4. Homework: The state project is due tomorrow.

Thursday, October 3   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. A short review game on what we've learned about variables.
3. Students will have time to share their state projects with the class.

Friday, October 4   (Gold Day & Fun Day)
1. Bell Work
2. A little checkup over the Variables Unit.
3. Students will have time to finish sharing their state projects.
4. No homework over the Fall Break, but I will be sending home plans for constructing homemade catapults for anyone who might be interested in making one of their own.

Have a safe and restful break...We'll see you back here in two weeks!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 23-27

Social Studies Assignments -
1. The Northeastern states and capitals test is Friday, Sept 27. Everyone should have a study map.
2. The State Project is due Thursday, October 3. Everyone has an outline of the assignment along with the scoring rubric. See Mr. Ellars if you still need specific details and templates for one of the three optional assignments. (Film Scroll, Coat of Arms, or Suitcase)

Picture Retakes
Picture retakes will be this Friday, September 27. Mr. Ellars has order forms for anyone needing a retake.

Substitute for Tuesday
I will be out Tuesday (Sept. 24) for an annual checkup with my cardiologist. It's been almost two years since my valve replacement and everything is working perfectly, but I still need to visit once a year for a checkup. Unless something changes, Mr. Rutledge is scheduled to be in the classroom Tuesday. The students have worked with him before and understand that I expect the same work and behavior as when I'm there.

Some States and Capitals Practice Games
Your Child Learns
Sheppard Software
Cool Math Games

This Week's Activities and Assignments
Monday, September 23   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Group experiments testing different variables affecting flight. (Block 2 will be doing the paper airplane contest.)
3. Homework: Study for Friday's map test and work on state project.

Tuesday, September 24   (Gold Day)
1. Bell Work
2. FOSS science stories activity
3. USA Weekly #4 with worksheet and crossword puzzle
4. Homework: Study for Friday's map test and work on state project.

Wednesday, September 25   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Native American Games: Students will create materials needed and play a Native American Game called Man and Snake.
3. Homework: Study for Friday's map test and work on state project.

Thursday, September 26   (Gold Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Finish up Flight Module with review and writing activity
3. Fun Science activity (outdoors if the weather cooperates)
4. Homework: Study for Friday's map test and work on state project.

Friday, September 27   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Northeastern states and capitals test
3. The Magic School Bus Takes Flight
4. Homework: Work on state project.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Mr. Ellars' Homeroom Conferences -  Schedule Updated 9/17 @ 4:30 pm

Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 24 and Monday, October 28. The fifteen minute conferences on both days will held from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Ten parents from my homeroom have already signed up for the conferences. The available times are listed below. Please let me know as soon as possible what time you'd like to schedule for your conference. Include a first, second, and third choice if possible as times will be "first come first served" and tend to fill up fast.
You may send a note to school with your student, or e-mail me at

This sign up is for Mr. Ellars' homeroom only. Mrs. Knecht-Strong and Miss Greulich will be signing up their homerooms separately.

Thursday, October 24  (Open times are blank)
3:00 __________
3:15 __________
3:30 __________
3:45 __________
4:00 Reserved
4:30 __________
4:45 Reserved
5:00 Reserved
5:15 __________
5:30 Reserved
5:45 Reserved
6:00 __________
6:15 Reserved
6:30 Reserved

Monday, October 28  (Open times are blank)
3:00 Reserved
3:15 Reserved
3:30 Reserved
3:45 __________
4:00 __________
4:15 Reserved
4:30 Reserved
5:00 __________
5:15 __________
5:45 Reserved
6:00 Reserved
6:30 Reserved

Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 16-20

State Project
Even though we're not completely done with the sets of states and capitals (We have the western states test set for Thursday, Sept. 19 and will finish up with the northeastern states on Thursday, Sept. 26.), I'll be passing out the assignment sheet Monday for the project that should wrap up this unit on states and capitals. It's due on October 3 so we can finish up right before the two week Autumn Break. Look for the project assignment sheet to come home in the Gold Folder on Monday afternoon.

Bullying Education
Mr. Scott Stroud, our school counselor, will be presenting a bullying education program to fifth grade students this week.

Activities and Assignments for September 16-20
Monday, September 16   (Gold Day)
(1.) Social Studies: Distribute and discuss State Project Assignment
(2.) Science: What variables could affect the flight duration of our planes? Make a hypothesis and design an experiment to test the hypothesis.
(3.) Homework: Western states test on Thursday / State report due Oct. 3

Tuesday, September 17   (Blue Day)
(1.) Social Studies: Constitution Day / View video clips and create class constitution
(2.) Homework: Western states test on Thursday / State report due Oct. 3

Wednesday, September 18   (Gold Day)
(1.) Science: "Build Your Own Paper Airplane" competition
(2.) Homework: Western states test on Thursday / State report due Oct. 3

Thursday, September 19   (Blue Day)
(1.) Social Studies: Western states test
(2.) Science: The Bernoulli Principle
(3.) Homework: State report due Oct. 3

 Friday, September 20   (Gold Day)
(1.) FOSS Science Stories booklet pgs. 21-28 with worksheet.
(2.) Amelia Earhart video clip    [View video clip]
(3) Homework: State report due Oct. 3

Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 9-13

Science Quiz on Monday (September 9)

We'll be having a short quiz on the lifeboat investigation in science Monday....Students will be allowed to use notes and journals. (We created a page of notes today that should be snapped into their binders under the science tab. - It was an old quiz that covers the same information that will be covered on Monday's quiz.)

Students should know:
1. The capacity of the boat and the arrangement of the passengers were variables affecting the number of passengers the boat would hold.
2. Capacity is a measure of how much the boat would hold measured by the amount of water it would hold in milliliters.
3. Boats with greater capacity held more passengers and boats with smaller capacity held fewer passengers.
4. A controlled experiment only changes one variable at a time.
5. How to plot points on a two coordinate graph.
6. How to read a two coordinate line graph.
7. An object in water will float if it can displace an amount of water that weighs as much as the object.

Western States and Capitals (Test on Thursday, September 19)
Students will need to be able to locate the state on a regional map and be able to match states and capitals.

Alaska - Juneau
Arizona - Phoenix
California - Sacramento
Colorado - Denver
Hawaii - Honolulu
Idaho - Boise
Montana - Helena
Nevada - Carson City
New Mexico - Santa Fe
Oregon - Salem
Utah - Salt Lake City
Washington - Olympia
Wyoming - Cheyenne

* Click here for an online states and capitals game

Activities and Assignments for September 9 - 13

Monday, September 9   (Blue Day)
1. FOSS Stories pgs. 10-14 on buoyancy
2. Science quiz on Lifeboat Investigation (See above)
3. No homework

Tuesday, September 10   (Gold Day)
1. Start the airplane and flight investigation
2. Work in lab to build airplanes
3. No homework

Wednesday, September 11   (Blue Day)
1. Create a study map for Western states and capitals. (See above)
2. Finish up work on USA Weekly #3
3. Homework: Study for Western states and capitals test (Thursday, September 19)

Thursday, September 12   (Gold Day)
1. Work in lab investigating variables affecting airplane flight duration
2. Homework: Study for Western states and capitals test (Thursday, September 19)

Friday, September 13   (Blue Day & Gus Day)
1. Celebrate Gus Day in honor of all beautiful black cats
2. FOSS Stories pgs. 15-20 on flight and famous aviators
3. Bill Nye video on flight with worksheet   (Watch video)
4. Homework: Study for Western states and capitals test (Thursday, September 19)