Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 30 - October 4

Monday, September 30   (Gold Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Begin investigation with flippers (catapults). We'll be using small craft stick catapults to investigate the effect of different variables on the distance these catapults are able to throw small aluminum foil projectiles.
3. Homework: The state project is due Thursday.

Tuesday, October 1   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Today we're testing the effects of projectile size and angle of release on projectile distance.
3. Homework: The state project is due Thursday.

Wednesday, October 2   (Gold Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Mr. Stroud will be visiting class today for a presentation on bullying prevention.
3. Class will also be going over a study guide on everything we've discussed about variables.
4. Homework: The state project is due tomorrow.

Thursday, October 3   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. A short review game on what we've learned about variables.
3. Students will have time to share their state projects with the class.

Friday, October 4   (Gold Day & Fun Day)
1. Bell Work
2. A little checkup over the Variables Unit.
3. Students will have time to finish sharing their state projects.
4. No homework over the Fall Break, but I will be sending home plans for constructing homemade catapults for anyone who might be interested in making one of their own.

Have a safe and restful break...We'll see you back here in two weeks!

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