Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Conference Sign-Ups

Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Up
Conferences are coming up soon. Below is a listing of available times. If you signed up at open house back in July, you’re already reserved. (The listing shows student’s initials)  If you still need to sign up, please send me your top three choices. They can be e-mailed to   ellars.lab@gmail.com 
I will respond by e-mail and will also be sending individual times home with students when school resumes on Oct. 20.

Wednesday, October 29

3:00 Reserved JT                               5:00 open
3:15 Reserved OM                            5:15 open
3:30 open                                          5:30 Reserved EW
3:45 open                                          5:45 Reserved ML
4:00 open                                          6:00 open
4:15 open                                          6:15 open
4:30 open                                          6:30 open
4:45 open                                           

Tuesday, November 4

3:00 Reserved MR                            5:00 open
3:15 Reserved CA                             5:15 open
3:30 open                                          5:30 open
3:45 open                                          5:45 open
4:00 Reserved BC                             6:00 open
4:15 Reserved AD                             6:15 open
4:30 open                                          6:30 open
4:45 open

You may also request a phone conference at one of the times listed above. If by phone, please send the best number to contact you along with your time preferences.                                  

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Standard Multiplication

September 15-19
Check here for activities and assignments for September 15-19, 2014
 >   September 15-19 Activities and Assignments

Standard Multiplication Algorithm
(From Everyday Math Student Reference Book)
Students have reviewed the partial products and lattice multiplication algorithms. Here's a brief outline of the trusty standard algorithm that most parents (and teachers) learned in school and are still using every day. It actually is a compressed (i.e. streamlined and probably more efficient) version of the partial products algorithm.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 8-12

This Week (September 8-12)
This week we'll be finishing Unit 2 of the Everyday Math program on estimation and computation.
     Monday - Finish work on probability with a "Heads or Tails" experiment
     Tuesday - Estimating products
     Wednesday - Partial products multiplication algorithm
     Thursday - Review lattice multiplication
     Friday - Unit 2 test

Students will receive a Unit 2 Study Guide on Monday.

Multiplication Algorithms
     (From the Everyday Math Student Reference Book)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Trade First Subtraction

The Trade-First subtraction algorithm is nearly identical to the standard subtraction algorithm except that all the renaming (borrowing) is completed before any subtraction begins. The advantage of this method is that it usually results in much less confusion to students than the standard algorithm's need to be constantly shifting between borrowing and subtracting.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

September 2-5

Activities and Assignments for September 2-5
The specific lesson outlines for all six teachers on the Maxwell Intermediate School fifth grade team have migrated to the M.I.S. fifth grade link on the Maxwell website. The Max Lab blog will continue as a site for expanded tips, clues, hints, and help on math and science. So, continue to look here for a link to lesson outlines not just for Mr. Ellars but for Mrs. Ashley's outlines all at one location.

Link to Ellars & Ashley Lesson Outlines

Extended Practice on Factoring
An essential skill as we move toward more extensive work with fractions this year is the ability to break numbers down into factors. Here's a link to an easy to understand explanation of the process of breaking down a number into factors. We've learned the divisibility rules mentioned in the lesson and all students have a copy of the rules glued inside the front cover of their Math Journals.

Extended Practice on Factoring a Number

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 25-29

Activities and Assignments for August 25-29
Monday, August 25  (Gold)
  * Bell Work: Multiplication Practice
  * Practice Estimation Skills
  * Math Journal pp 29-31
  * Science: Construct foam boats and measure capacity
  * Homework: Skills Link Worksheet 2.1

Tuesday, August 26  (Blue)
  * Bell Work: Science Puzzle
  * Review Addition Algorithms
    (Partial Sum and Column Addition)
  * Math Journal pp 32-34
  * Science: Journal entries and FOSS story booklet
  * Homework: Skills Link Worksheet 2.2

Wednesday, August 27  (Gold)
  * Bell Work: Addition Practice
  * Review Subtraction Algorithms
    (Trade First and Partial Differences)
  * Math Journal pp 35-36
  * Science: Buoyancy experiments
  * Homework: Skills Link Worksheet 2.3

Thursday, August 28  (Blue and D.A.R.E.)
  * Bell Work: Subtraction Practice
  * Everyday Math Game: "Subtraction Target Practice"
  * Science: Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.)
  * No Homework

Friday, August 29  (Gold)
  * Bell Work: Addition/Subtraction Practice
  * Weekly Review Quiz
  * Using mathematical models to solve problems
  * Math Journal pp 37-39
  * Science: Graphing results and drawing conclusions
  * No Weekend Homework

Friday, August 15, 2014

August 18-22

Building "Square" Numbers

Activities and Assignments: Aug. 18-22, 2014
Monday, August 18  (Blue)
1. Bell Work: Five Minute Math problem
2.Math: Square Numbers (Journal pp 20-21)
              (Math Boxes p 22)
3. RTI (Small group instruction)
4. Science: Variables / vocabulary and data review
5. No homework tonight

Tuesday, August 19  (Gold)
1. Bell Work: Five Minute Math problem
2. Math: Unsquare numbers (i.e. square roots)
               Factor Bingo
3. RTI (Small group instruction)
4. Science: Variables / "Will length of string affect
                   the pendulum's performance?"
5. Homework: Math - Study Link 1.7

Wednesday, August 20  (Blue)
1. Bell Work: Math puzzle
2. Math: Prime factorization with Factor Trees
3. D.A.R.E. with Cpl. Steve McCarley of the GPD  (more info)
4. Homework: Factor Tree Worksheet

Thursday, August 21  (Gold) 1. Bell Work: Squares and square roots
2. Math: Benchmark Test (Just to check where we are at the
    beginning of the year - a starting point for planning this
    year's instruction.)
3. Science: FOSS Science Stories
4. Homework: Math worksheet

Friday, August 22  (Blue)
1. Bell Work: Science wordsearch
2. Math: Unit 1 Review and checkup
3. RTI (Small group instruction)
4. Science: Wrap up pendulum work
5. No weekend homework


Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 11-15

Take Home Folder Notes
(Notes from papers that came home last week in student folders)
1. Student Council paragraphs are due Friday, Aug. 15
2. Friday, Aug. 15 is also picture day.

Assignments and Activities August 11-15
Monday, August 11  (Gold)
1. Bell Work - fact families
2. Math: Divisibility Rules
3. Science: FOSS Reader: partner read
4. Homework: Study Link 1.5

Tuesday, August 12  (Blue)
1. Bell Work - extended multiplication
2. Math: Prime & Composite Numbers
3. Science: Construct pendulums
4. Homework: Study Link 1.6

Wednesday, August 13  (Gold)
1. Bell Work - subtraction practice
2. Math: Square Numbers
3. Science: Pendulum experimentation
4. Homework: Study Link 1.7

Thursday, August 14  (Blue)
1. Bell Work - factor boxes
2. First DARE class today
3. Math: Analyzing pendulum data
4. No homework tonight

Friday, August 15  (Gold)
1. Bell Work - square numbers
2. Weekly Quiz #2
3. Math: Unsquaring Numbers (i.e. square roots)
4. Science: Pendulum variables
5. No weekend homework

Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4-8, 2014

Welcome Back
Today marks the first full week of the 2014-2015 school year. I couldn't believe as I was writing the date on the board for the first day of school last week that I was writing the word "July." It's been a great three first days and I'm looking forward to the next 170 with a great group of students.

Notes to Sign and Return
Students have received three notes that need to be returned as soon as possible:
* The note that indicates you've seen your student's handbook
* The D.A.R.E. permission slip. (Should be starting next week.)
* The Science Lab Safety Contract
* Tuesday night sign Behavior Card for Wednesday return

Activities and Assignments for This Week
Monday, August 4   Blue Day
1. Bell Work: Chunking subtraction problems
2. Math: Get familiarized with the SRB and the Journal
3. Science: Review safety rules and distribute safety contract to sign
4. Homework: Return a signed safety contract

Tuesday, August 5   Gold Day
1. Bell Work: Subtraction
2. Math: Rectangular Arrays (Journal pp.5-6)
3. Science: Introduce variables and put vocabulary in science journal
4. Homework: Math Journal p. 7

Wednesday, August 6   Blue Day
1. Bell Work: Place value
2. Math: Factors and factorization (Journal pp. 10)
3. Writing about math
4. Science: Scientific Method and using variables
5. No homework

Thursday, August 7   Blue Day
1. Bell Work: Math puzzle page
2. Math: Multiplication facts review
3. Math: Factor Captor game
4. Science: Pendulums
5. Homework: Math Study Link p. 14

Friday, August 8   Gold Day
1. Bell Work: Math review page
2. Weekly checkup of work covered Monday-Thursday
3. Math: Divisibility Rules  Math Journal p.14 and partner
    work on Study Link p.15
4. Science: Pendulums continued
5. No weekend homework

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014

May 27-29

This is the last posting of activities and assignments for the 2013-2014 school year at Maxwell. But not the end of the blog. Look back often throughout the summer for continuing information about the upcoming school year beginning on July 31, 2014.

Activities and Assignments for May 27-29 

Tuesday, May 27  (Blue)
1. Bell Work
2. Science Review and Check Science Journals
3. Bill Nye on Earth Science
4. Homework?  Not this week!!

Wednesday, May 28  (Gold)
1. Bell Work
2. Social Studies Review
3. Outdoor Solar System Model
4. Homework?  Not this week!!

Thursday, May 29  (Blue)
1. Book turn in / Wrap up any loose ends
2. Jump room reward for good citizenship
3. Year-End Awards (Parents invited to attend in the
     Gym at 9:10)
4. Yearbook distribution and signing
5. Final farewells

Summer Homework
1. Read!
2. Practice basic math facts.
3. Sharpen up your division and multiplication.
4. Read!
5. Check out National Geographic
6. Play some math games
7. Read some more!
8. Going on a trip? - Keep a journal.

Thanks for a great year...I'll miss every one of you!
       -Mr. Ellars

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 19-23

D.A.R.E. Graduates at the May 16 D.A.R.E. Picnic with High School role models and Retro Bill

D.A.R.E. Picnic
Our MIS fifth graders joined D.A.R.E. graduates from all Hancock County schools at Greenfield-Central High School for the annual D.A.R.E. picnic on Friday, May 16. Students saw demonstrations from local fire and police representatives, listened to motivational speaker Retro Bill, and participated in the annual D.A.R.E. tug-of-war tournament.     (Clips from Retro Bill's Safety Tips)

This Week's Science
This week in science will feature a review over important learning from this year. Well review our work on variables, life cycles and food webs, skeletal and digestive systems, reading nutrition labels, and mixtures/solutions. On Tuesday, May 27 students will have a test over this week's science review lessons. Listening to and participating actively in the review lessons this week will make the test simple. Since we just completed a test on astronomy, that area won't be covered on the review test.

Activities and Assignments for May 19-23
Monday, May 19   (Gold)
1. Bell Work
2. Project presentations if ready
3. USA Weekly History Magazine #28  (The last one for this year)
4. Homework: Finish up project if necessary

Tuesday, May 20   (Blue)  Projects are due!
1. Bell Work
2. Review Variables
3. Project presentations
4. No homework

Wednesday, May 21   (Gold)
1. Bell Work
2. Review Life Cycles 
3. Project presentations
4. No homework

Thursday, May 22   (Blue)
1. Bell Work
2. Review Body Systems
3. Project presentations
4. No homework

Friday, May 23   (Gold)
1. Bell Work
2. Review Mixtures and Solutions
3. Finish up any unpresented projects
4. No homework - But there will be a test Tuesday over
    the science reviews from this week.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 12-16

DARE Picnic
The annual D.A.R.E. picnic will be this Friday at Greenfield-Central High School. Students will have their related arts classes first thing Friday morning and will board buses for the high school immediately after. Students should bring their own lunch or may purchase one from their lunch account from the cafeteria. We'll return to MIS in time for normal dismissal.

This Week's Activities and Assignments

  • Monday, May 12  (Blue)
    1. USA Weekly #27
    2. Homework USA Weekly Worksheet
  • Tuesday, May 13  (Gold)
    1. Review Sun, Moon, Stars test / Correct as needed
    2. Western Project is due May 20
  • Wednesday, May 14  (Blue)
    1. Energy / Take home energy packets
    2. Western Project is due May 20
  • Thursday, May 16  (Gold)
    1. Skeletal and Digestive system review
    2. Western Project is due May 20
  • Friday, May 17  (Blue)
    1. DARE picnic @ GCHS
    2. Western Project is due May 20

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 5-9

All of our ISTEP testing for this school year was finished this past week. Tests were finished up on Tuesday (Math), Wednesday (Language), and Thursday (Social Studies). Mr. Whitaker has only a few make up tests that will be finished early this week. Mrs. Knecht-Strong administered the tests to a mix of our two classes in the fifth grade lab. We're very pleased to report that the effort put forward by all students was excellent and that, unlike last year, the testing was completed with absolutely no computer issues. Look forward to results coming your way much sooner than the fourth grade tests that were held up with technical issues that just didn't occur this time.

This Week's Activities and Assignments
Monday, May 5  (Gold)
1. Bell Work - States and capitals review
2. Science - Periodic table game (Make as many words as possible from symbols on
     the periodic table.)
3. Review moon activities
4. Western Project due on May 20. (Students have assignment sheet)

Tuesday, May 6   (Blue)
1. Bell Work - Moon review sheet
2. FOSS reader - Stars with worksheet
3. Western Project due on May 20. (Students have assignment sheet)

Wednesday, May 7   (Gold)
1. Bell Work - Civil War map activity
2. Science - Chemical reactions
3. Science - Outdoor chemical reaction activity (weather permitting)
4. Western Project due on May 20. (Students have assignment sheet)

Thursday, May 8   (Blue)
1. Bell Work - Science definitions
2. Social Studies - Civil War  activities and USA #27
3. Western Project due on May 20. (Students have assignment sheet)

Friday, May 9   (Gold)
1. Bell Work - Science review sheet
2. Science - Checkup Test on sun, moon, and stars learning standards.
3 Western Project due on May 20. (Students have assignment sheet)

Video Clips - Civil War
1.  The Battle of Gettysburg in July of 1863 was the pivotal battle of the Civil War. One of the most important events during the battle was the heroic defense of Little Round Top by the 20th Maine Volunteer Regiment under the command of Colonel Joshua Lawrence. Little Round Top was at the very end of the Union line. Failure to hold the hill would have resulted in the entire Union army being flanked. Part of the G-C Junior High 8th Grade trip to Washington, D.C. is a tour of Gettysburg. During the tour, we stood at the very location of the battle depicted in this clip from the historically accurate 1993 film Gettysburg that was filmed on location at Gettysburg.
      Watch video (14:51)

2.   The Gettysburg address from the Ken Burns television documentary The Civil War.
      Watch video (5:53)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 28-May 2

Students will be in the computer lab this week completing the multiple choice section of this year's ISTEP test.
     > Tuesday, April 29  (Math 8:10-9:20)
     > Wednesday, April 30  (English/Language Arts 11:40-1:10)
     > Thursday, May 1  (Social Studies 8:00-9:10)

Weekly Fun Day Ticket
Please sign the weekly Fun Day Ticket on Tuesday evening. The tickets will be collected Wednesday morning.

Variety Show
Friday, May 2 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm in the MIS Gym. Parents are invited to drop in to this performance of our talented students.

Activities and Assignments 
Monday, April 28  (Blue)
1. Review constellations and seasons
2. Westward Expansion project is due May 20

Tuesday, April 29  (Gold)
1. "All About the Stars" worksheet
2. Add vocabulary on stars/constellations to Science Journal
3. Westward Expansion project is due May 20

Wednesday, April 30  (Blue)
1. USA Weekly #26 - The Civil War begins
2. Westward Expansion project is due May 20 

Thursday, May 1  (Gold)
1. Chemistry: Using the periodic table to create words
2. Chemical reactions - Mentos and Diet Coke
3. Westward Expansion project is due May 20 

Friday, May 2  (Blue)
1. FOSS Reader - "Looking Through the Telescope" pp. 40-43
2. Civil War in-class projects
3. Westward Expansion project is due May 20 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 21-25

ISTEP Practice
Monday morning the fifth grade will be moving to the computer lab for a chance to practice the online ISTEP test. The actual test is set for the following week. The students are well prepared and we all have our fingers crossed that the statewide servers function better than last year.

Night Sky Log
The Night Sky Log is finally being worked on this week! It's been on the schedule for the past two weeks but was put on hold due to horrible weather conditions the first week and teacher absence (that's me!) the second week. Students simply need to check the moon Monday through Thursday evenings, record the date and time, make a sketch of the moon's appearance, and a short observation on any observed changes from the night before along with any atmospheric conditions that might have affected the observation.

Activities and Assignments April 21-25
Monday, April 21   (Gold Day)
1. Wagon Train Diary Entry #2  (Which trail would be best?)
2. Night Sky Log - Due Friday, April 25
3. Homework: Night Sky Log 

Tuesday, April 22   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Phases of the moon activity
3. Homework: Night Sky Log

Wednesday, April 23   (Gold Day)
1. Social Health Presentation from Social Health Association
        Visit the Social Health Association's website
2. Homework: Night Sky Log

 Thursday, April 24   (Blue Day)
1. Bell Work
2. Solar System (FOSS reader activity with worksheet)
3. Homework: Night Sky Log

Friday, April 25   (Gold Day)
1. Night Sky Logs are due / Bell Work
2. Lab activity using Oreo cookies to create a model of moon phases.
3. No weekend homework  



Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 14 - 18

This Week's Calendar
Mon-Fri, April 14-18: Spring Book Fair in the Library
Tuesday, April 15: Trip to GCHS Planetarium
Wednesday, April 16: Grandparents' Lunch @ 12:25-1:05
Wednesday, April 16: Social Health program preview; Greenfield Intermediate
                                    School @ 6:30 PM

Guest Teacher This Week
I will be out of the building this week on Wednesday and Thursday for personal and family medical appointments. A substitute will be in the room in my place on those two days. A reminder to students that all normal rules and procedures remain in effect during my absence.
Activities and Assignments for April 14-18

·        Monday: Science – FOSS Reader: Phases of the Moon [No homework]
·        Tuesday: Science – Planetarium trip / Investigation 2.1 Introduce Night Sky Logs due on Monday, April 21)  [Homework: Night Sky Logs to be completed on school nights 4/15, 4/16, 4/17, and 4/18. Logs are to be turned in on Monday, April 21]
·        Wednesday: Science – Constellations; Introduce constellations / Draw constellations
[Homework: Night Sky Log]
·        Thursday: Social Studies – Wagon train writing activity; USA Weekly
[Homework: Night Sky Log]
·        Friday: Science – Moon phases project with Oreo Cookies [Homework: Night Sky Log]

Recommended Video Clips
See the Constellations Song
The Universe: The Constellations
Stars and Constellations
Life Cycle of Stars; Part 1
Big Bang Gravitational Waves Discovered in 2014