Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 28-May 2

Students will be in the computer lab this week completing the multiple choice section of this year's ISTEP test.
     > Tuesday, April 29  (Math 8:10-9:20)
     > Wednesday, April 30  (English/Language Arts 11:40-1:10)
     > Thursday, May 1  (Social Studies 8:00-9:10)

Weekly Fun Day Ticket
Please sign the weekly Fun Day Ticket on Tuesday evening. The tickets will be collected Wednesday morning.

Variety Show
Friday, May 2 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm in the MIS Gym. Parents are invited to drop in to this performance of our talented students.

Activities and Assignments 
Monday, April 28  (Blue)
1. Review constellations and seasons
2. Westward Expansion project is due May 20

Tuesday, April 29  (Gold)
1. "All About the Stars" worksheet
2. Add vocabulary on stars/constellations to Science Journal
3. Westward Expansion project is due May 20

Wednesday, April 30  (Blue)
1. USA Weekly #26 - The Civil War begins
2. Westward Expansion project is due May 20 

Thursday, May 1  (Gold)
1. Chemistry: Using the periodic table to create words
2. Chemical reactions - Mentos and Diet Coke
3. Westward Expansion project is due May 20 

Friday, May 2  (Blue)
1. FOSS Reader - "Looking Through the Telescope" pp. 40-43
2. Civil War in-class projects
3. Westward Expansion project is due May 20 

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