Friday, March 7, 2014

March 10-14

Biz Town Last Minute Reminders
(1.) Please send your child with a sack lunch (unless they're taking one of the cafeteria provided lunches). Lunches should be in a disposable bag with the student's name and Biz Town business clearly written on the outside of the bag. You may send a drink if you wish, but drinks may also be purchased at the Steak and Shake store in Biz Town.
(2.) Make sure your child arrives at school on time Monday. The buses will be leaving as soon as bus riders have unloaded in the morning. We'll arrive back at school in time for regular afternoon dismissal.
(3.) Students should wear business casual clothes appropriate for their Biz Town business position. This means no jeans if at all possible. Comfortable shoes are a must because students will be on their feet most of the day. (No flip-flops!)
(4.) We have also told students no cameras or cell phones at Biz Town.

If you're one of the volunteer facilitators for the day, thanks again for your assistance. Volunteers will be expected by the Biz Town staff and should arrive at the facility for early orientation. Students will arrive at approximately 8:45, so volunteers should be there no later than 8:00.

We're getting into the first round of ISTEP testing this week. This is the written part and will take three sessions. To avoid both Biz Town trips our tests will be first thing in the morning on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Plenty of rest and a good breakfast will certainly help with the energy needed to perform at optimum levels.

Activities and Assignments for March 10-14
Monday, March 10
Biz Town Trip

Tuesday, March 11   (Blue)   ISTEP in AM
1. Biz Town debriefing
2. Mixtures and Solutions Investigation 2
3. No homework

Wednesday, March 12   (Gold)
1. FOSS science stories with worksheet
2. No homework

Thursday, March 13   (Blue)    ISTEP in AM
1. USA Weekly with Fact Finder worksheet
2. No homework

Friday, March 14   (Gold)    ISTEP in AM
1. Saturated solutions and crystal growing
2. No weekend homework

Videos for Home Viewing
Bill Nye - Chemical Reactions
Meet the Elements Song

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