Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Newsletter - August 13-17

Until our newsletter section is working on the Maxwell website, I'll post the weekly newsletter on the blog.

Maxwell Intermediate
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Knecht-Strong
Miss Greulich
Mr. Ellars

Maxwell Intermediate
102 N. Main Street
Maxwell, IN  46154
Phone: 317-326-3121
Fax: 317-326-4711


5th grade Team Gold Study Reminder

For the Week of August 13-17, 2012

Math with Mrs. Knecht-Strong:

  • Mon L1-6 Prime & Composite Numbers; HW SL L 1-6; Game “Factor Capture
  • Tues L1-7 Square Numbers; HW SL L 1-7; Game “Factor Bingo
  • Wed L1-8 Unsquaring Numbers; HW SL L 1-8 Game “Multiplication Top-It
  • Thurs L1-9 Factor Strings and Prime Factorization; HW SL L 1-9 Game “Name That Number
  • Fri Power Day- in class assign Journal pg 15 and 22 for a grade; review games from this week

Social Studies with Mr.Ellars:  (

  • Continued work on states and capitals this week
  • Review of latitude and longitude
Science/Health with Mr. Ellars:  (

  • Students finished constructing pendulums and have been investigating pendulum systems.
  • This week we’ll investigate the effect of changing variables in the pendulum system, such as mass and pendulum length.
  • A short quiz on the pendulum investigations is scheduled for Friday, August 17.

 Reading with Miss Greulich: Unit 1

·        Homework: Make sure students are reading 15 minutes every night and parents are signing their reading calendar!

  • Discuss the Riley Poetry Contest
  • Continue working with our Daily Five- read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, work on writing and word study.
  • Continue working with our café board- Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and vocabulary
  • Frindle test Friday, August 17th

English/Writing with Miss Greulich:  

·        We will introduce our Student Tale Writing Project this week. Students will begin writing a book that they will later on publish into a hard back book. Please help your child think of a topic or person they would like to write their book about. It can be fiction or non-fiction.  Look for a letter coming home explaining this project in-depth very soon.


Please monitor your child’s behavior and responsibility by checking their assignment notebook each week. Four or less marks for the week,  (codings- see chart taped in the front of their assignment notebook) earns Fun Friday rewards.  Otherwise your child will be meeting with a 5th grade teacher for study hall to make up missing homework. 

We ask that you sign your child’s notebook at the end of each week to indicate you have checked their assignment book and have discussed any situations necessary.

Reminders this week:

*Related Arts Days – Monday, Wednesday, Friday

* Picture Day- Thursday, August 16th

Name ___________________________  Week________________________

How I studied my multiplication and division facts this week

(Check all that apply)

Regular     Everyday Math                                   Ten Marks      Acuity

       Flashcards                 Games                                  Website                      Activities

Other Website                  Other Method

       ___________                                        _____________

Must have at least 45 minutes to earn extra credit for the week

Number of minutes spent studying facts each day:


Parent Signature _____________________________________________

“Frindle” Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word
made aware; informed
something assigned, a piece of work to be done
absolutely necessary; very important
made larger; increased in size
made certain that something would happen as a result
ways of proceeding; methods of doing things
what people think and say the character of someone or something is
paid great honor and reverence to

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Attached you will find information on how to access SuccessTracker, our online reading resource. SuccessTracker can help you stay informed on your child’s progress in reading. Fourth grade students take online bi-weekly reading tests, and a benchmark test is given at the beginning of the year, after each unit, and at the end of the year.

1.     Login using the user name and password given on the letter attached.

2.     From the home page, click on the Parents tab at the top.

3.     Check the rectangle that says review all tests and activities assigned and completed so far.

a.     Make sure to choose Reading Success Tracker.

4.     Click View assignments and progress.

5.     You may click on anything with an underline to get more information.

6.     If you click on the test it will show you the exact test.

7.     If you click on View Results you will see your student’s score and the questioned answered incorrectly.

8.     IF you click on the underlined number next to a red x you will see the incorrect answer chose by your student.

9.     At the bottom of the Test Results page, you will see the skills that your student needs to continue to work on. These are skills that will be focused on in small groups and during center time.

10.                        From the Home page you can access an online version of your student’s reading textbook.

We hope that you will take advantage of this resource! Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank You,

Miss Greulich

Reading Teacher

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