Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week of August 27-31

Our science classes will be continuing study of variables and experimental design this week with an investigation of lifeboats. In this investigation students will:
  • Identify variables that might affect the number of passengers (i.e. pennies) a paper-cup boat can hold without sinking.
  • Measure the capacity of paper-cup boats in metric units.
  • Conduct controlled experiments.
  • Graph the results of experiments and use the graph to make predictions.
  • Relate the capacity (displacement) of a boat to the number of passengers it can hold.
  • Use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating.
Students will also be adding the concept of dependent and independent variables to their understanding of the use of variables in scientific methodology.

[Science work should be shared at home and then returned to the science binder to serve as a study guide for future quizzes, tests, and project work.]

The social studies class this week will look at cause and effect (which also relates to scientific thinking) and will play some Native American games. There will be a test on the Northeastern states and capitals on Friday.
This week's agenda -

Monday, August 27 (Blue Day)
2.Science Investigation 2.1 - construct and explore a 3 cm. paper-cup lifeboat
3.No homework

Tuesday, August 28 (Gold Day)
2.Social Studies - Biography of Hiawatha: text pages 66-67
3.Science Investigation 2.1 - find capacity of 3 cm. boats in metric units and set up controlled experiments.
4.Homework - Northeastern states and capitals worksheet (Study for Map Test Friday)
[Fundraiser kick-off today]

Wednesday, August 29 (Blue Day)
2.Science Investigation 2.1 - construct new different sized lifeboats and find capacity of each; add new vocabulary and content to notes
3.No homework

Thursday, August 30 (Gold Day)
2.Social Studies - Read "Cause and Effect": text pages 68-69
3.Science Investigation 2.2 - identify variables and set the standard boat loading procedures
4.Homework - Northeastern states and capitals worksheet (Study for Map Test Friday)

Friday, August 31 (Blue Day)
2.Northeastern states and capitals map test.
3.Science Investigation 2.2 - graph experimental results and use the graph to make predictions; relate the capacity of a boat to the number of passengers it can hold
4.No homework

No School on Monday, September 3 - Labor Day

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