Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 22-25

Last week in science students tested a variety of foods for fat content by measuring the size of grease spots two days after placing one  gram of crushed food on brown paper. A big thanks to all the parents who sent in food for this part of our unit. Your generosity helped make this a very successful project! This week science lab groups will be investigating the use of yeast as an test material.

In social studies, we've been studying regional American Colonies from settlement up to the time immediately preceding the Revolution. This week we begin examining the growing tensions that led to our split from England.

All reports are calling for much colder weather this week. Everyone should dress accordingly. While we do try to get outside for our 15 minute recess whenever possible, we do stay inside when the temperature dips below 20o

This week's agenda:

Monday, January 21
(1.) No school for Martin Luther King Day. Ask your student to share the short video clip shown in class Friday of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
(2.) Homework: Watch at least some of the Inauguration today.

Tuesday, January 22
(1.) We're starting off this morning with a much needed locker cleaning. Look for some of those missing items to come home Tuesday evening.
 (2.) Social Studies: Begin working on the USA Weekly #13. There will be a homework assignment that will be due on Friday (Jan 25). Also on Friday a map test on the 13 Colonies.
(3.) Science: Using yeast as a test material for a variety of food components. Introduction and procedural demonstration.

Wednesday, January 23
(1.) Science: Groups begin testing animal crackers with yeast. (Food is for testing, not tasting. These animal crackers have been stored in the science lab in a plastic bag since last year...still good for testing, but - YUCK! for tasting....)
(2.) Social Studies: Continue working on USA Weekly assignment and preparing for the map test on Friday.

Thursday, January 24
(1.) Science: Groups will be testing a variety of breakfast cereals today.
(2.) Social Studies: Continue working on USA Weekly assignment and preparing for the map test coming up tomorrow.

Friday, January 25
(1.) Science: FOSS Reader (pages 10-13 with written feedback). Also review and checkup on this week's work in science.
(2.) USA Weekly assignment is due and a map test on the 13 colonies.

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