Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 28 - February 1

Classes this week tested cookies for sugar content using yeast as an indicator. When we observed the yeast metabolizing the cookies by the production of carbon dioxide gas in the test bags a further investigation of the main ingredients in the cookies (flour and sugar) showed that the yeast was feeding on sugar, not flour. Students also learned how to measure the amount of carbon dioxide produced by using a simple volume tube measuring device.

     (Video clip from You Tube: )

This week, groups will be performing similar tests on Wednesday using yeast as a sugar indicator on a variety of breakfast cereals as well as learning about testing foods for acid content. On Friday, students may bring in small samples of food from home to test for sugar and/or acidic content.

Also this week, students will be learning to read and interpret the nutrition information labels on food packages and the My Plate graphic that recently replaced the Food Pyramid.

For more information on the Food Plate visit

Reminder: The $20 for our March experience at Biz Town in Indianapolis is due this Thursday, January 31.
This Week's Agenda

Monday, January 28 - Nutrition Labels
* Reading and using food nutrition labels (Please bring in food nutrition labels from home)
* Look for a quiz on Friday over testing foods for fats, sugars, and acids

Tuesday, January 29 - The American Revolution
* Social Studies Day: USA Studies Weekly newspaper #14
* The worksheet distributed with the newspaper will be due Friday, February 1

Wednesday, January 30 - Testing Cereals
* Testing breakfast cereals today for sugar content using yeast as an indicator.
* Demonstration on testing foods for acidic content

Thursday, January 31 - Food Plate
* Using the Food Plate to plan a healthy and cost conscious meal

Friday, February 1  -  Testing Other Foods & Science Quiz
* Testing other foods for nutrient content
* Quiz on testing for fats/sugars, nutrition labels, and My Plate

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