Friday, February 1, 2013

Feb 4 - 8

Students should have brought home a permission slip for participation in the D.A.R.E. program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) that begins February 12. The program will consist of 10 weekly sessions during our social studies/science-health classes conducted by Officer Steve McCarles of the Greenfield Police Department. Please sign and return these slips as soon as possible.

There are still a few students who haven't brought in their $20.00 for the Biztown experience in March. That money is now due. In class training for the program will begin Monday, February 4.

Food and Nutrition
Students will be continuing their study of food and nutrition this week by examining nutrition labels, nutrition requirements, and the planning of high nutrition/low cost meals. When your child accompanies you to the grocery this week, they should be able to interpret the nutrition labels on the food you purchase. (Be sure to ask them about the "5 - 20 Rule.")

American Revolution
Our social studies program will continue the study of the American Revolution. Please encourage students to spend time reading the USA Weekly newspaper when it comes home this week as homework. Unfortunately, students don't always take a homework assignment to read something as seriously as they should. At least 30 minutes should be set aside for reading this material.

Acuity C Test
The social studies Acuity test will be taken in the computer lab Wednesday, February 6. Please make sure students get plenty of rest the night before and have a good breakfast that morning. We want everyone to do their best on this assessment. The math and language portions of this testing program is ongoing as we work toward the ISTEP coming up soon.
This Week's Agenda

Monday, Feb 4 (Blue):

1. Science - Working in the FOSS Student Reader
2. Superbowl Menu worksheet
3. Biztown - Preview workbook and pre-test
     (Short video clip on the American Revolution today)

Tuesday, Feb 5 (Gold)
1. Social Studies - USA Weekly #15 with comprehension questions and a Bio-Poem
2. Homework - Re-read the newspaper for a quiz on Thursday
     (Sort video clip on the American Revolution today)

Wednesday, Feb 6 (Blue)
1. Social Studies Acuity Test C
2. Science - Nutrition worksheet as time allows.

Thursday, Feb 7 (Gold)
1. Social Studies - Quiz on USA Weekly #15
2. Science - FOSS Investigation 4.1  ("Free Lunch")

Friday, Feb 8 (Blue)
1. Science - Continue FOSS Investigation 4.1
2. Short Nutrition video clip

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