Friday, March 15, 2013

March 18 - 19

Spring Break
As you're aware, Spring Break has been delayed by two days. School will be in regular session on Monday, March 18 and Tuesday, March 19 to make up the two days lost earlier in the winter to bad weather. Spring Break officially begins on Wednesday, March 20. Classes will resume on Monday, April 1.

Biz Town
Maxwell fifth graders visited JA Biz Town this week. The gold team on Monday, and the blue team on Wednesday. Students had a great time in their businesses, shopping, and experiencing the world of work. If you're interested in continuing the experience,Junior Achievement of Central Indiana will be operating Biz Town Summer Camps June 17-21, June 24-28, July 8-12, and July 15-19. The mornings at camp will be spent in large and small groups devoted to entrepreneurial and philanthropic topics. The afternoons will be spent highlighting experiential learning opportunities with the traditional Junior Achievement Biz Town venue. Financial literacy, entrepreneurship, work readiness, and philanthropy are stressed throughout the entire camping experience. For more information and to register for camp visit the Junior Achievement website at
Contact Lacia Coons at 317-252-5900 x 102 with any questions.

Letter from Biz Town
Here's a description of her day's work from one of our students who was the CEO of the Lilly Laboratories. It's an experience that adult readers will certainly identify with...We've all had one of those days on the job! But please notice her last sentence!

     While I was at City Hall and then at the bank signing the loan papers, our CFO was printing out checks,  the sales manager went to Fed Ex to get our supplies and materials, and the lab tech was making magnifying glasses. Then I noticed that my researcher was sick and not at work, so I couldn’t believe that I had to do two jobs and then found out that on my break I had to fill in for the lab tech.
     The CFO left on the second break – so three jobs for me!
     Finally it was time for my break, so I got my lunch and was almost out the door when people were saying, “Sign this, please,”  “Can you pay this bill?”  “Do you have time to fill this out?” I said I would when I got back from break. When I got back I had millions of more papers on my desk.
     After I filled out all the papers, it was run this to the bank, give this to the professional offices, go to city hall, go to the mail! Before I knew it, it was time for my next break and I actually got to do some shopping.
     I loved Biz Town and want to go again!

March Madness
The fifth grade has been celebrating March with an attendance contest. The two classes with the best attendance throughout the month will be competing in a dodgeball competition this coming Monday afternoon in the Gym.


This Week's Agenda

Monday, March 18 (Gold Day)
Science: Super Saturated Salt Solution (Try saying that five times fast!)
               Investigation and practice writing scientific conclusions
Attendance Reward Activity:Dodgeball competition

Tuesday, March 19  (Blue Day)
Science: FOSS reader with stories on Earth's Elements and Decompression Disease
               Close reading with in-depth questions
Related Arts: Regular classes

Science Homework (Optional): Grow your own crystals. (Check this link)

          If you grow some crystals over Break, bring them in to show when we return.

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