Friday, August 30, 2013

September 3-6

Cultural Understanding through Literature

An understanding of our cultural heritage is incomplete without exposure to the richness of great literary treasures. Throughout the year fifth grade students will get the opportunity to hear several classic short stories from that heritage. This past week, Blocks 1 and 3 listened to the O. Henry story, "The Ransom of Red Chief." (Block 2's turn is Tuesday.) Among the stories scheduled for later in the year are O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Diamond Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.(Click the links below to read those three stories here.)

The Ransom of Red Chief  
The Gift of the Magi
The Diamond Necklace

This Week's Activities and Assignments

Monday, September 2
No School - Labor Day

Tuesday, September 3   (Blue Day)
1. Science: Bill Nye video on buoyancy
2. Science: Science Jeopardy
3. No Homework

Wednesday, September 4   (Gold Day)
1. Science: Lab - Construct new boats and test for capacity
2. Science: Transfer data to line graph
3. No Homework

Thursday, September 5   (Blue Day)
1. Social Studies: USA Weekly #3 with worksheet
2. Social Studies: Mapping project
3. Homework: Crossword puzzle on page 4 of USA Weekly is optional extra credit

Friday, September 6   (Gold Day)
1. Science: Finish up any work from the week's lab work
2. Science: FOSS Science Stories - pages 10-14 with questions
3. Science: Playing "Will it Float?"
4. No Weekend Homework

Friday, August 23, 2013

August 26 - 30

My apologies for being a bit slow getting this posted, but we've been caring for a sick cat and were at the pet emergency room most of Thursday evening.

Augustus (Gus)  2002-2013


Congratulations to Julianne. She was elected as Student Council Representative from Homeroom 402.

This Week's Plans and Activities

Monday, August 26    (Gold Day)
1. Science - Finish up pendulum graph work
2. Science - "Herkle" game - If you like Battleship, you'll love Herkle!
3. Science - Pendulum video clip
       * Pendulum Video Clip
4. Homework: Southern state/capital  test on Thursday
       * Online Practice Games

Tuesday, August 27   (Blue Day)
1. FOSS Science Stories
2. Pendulum checkup (i.e. Easy Quiz!)
3.  Homework: Southern state/capital  test on Thursday

Wednesday, August 28   (Gold Day)
1. Science - Begin investigations on boats
                    (Why some things float and other things don't)
2. Science - Making lifeboats
3. Homework: Southern state/capital  test on Thursday

Thursday, August 29   (Blue Day)
1. Social Studies -Review Southern States and Capitals
2. Social Studies - Map test
3. USA Weekly #2
4. USA Weekly puzzle on p. 4 (Optional for extra credit)

Friday, August 30   (Gold Day)
1. Science - How many passengers can a lifeboat hold?
                    (capacity; buoyancy)
2. Science - Collecting data and graphing results
3. No weekend homework

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 19 - 23

* Four students have turned in paragraphs to be included in the election for student council representative from our Homeroom 402. We'll have the election this week. I'll read each paper (without name), and the class will vote for their choice based only on what was written.


This Week's Plans and Assignments

Monday, August 19   (Blue Day)
1. USA Weekly - We didn't get much done on this Friday, so we'll finish it up today.
   a. Partner work on an information worksheet
   b. Individual work on a world map worksheet
2.  Homework - The crossword puzzle on page 4 may be done as optional homework for extra credit.

Tuesday, August 20   (Gold Day)
1. In science today students will be making new pendulums with different lengths of strings to test for the length variable. (Last week, students reached the conclusion after testing that the mass of the bob at the end of the pendulum did not affect the number of cycles their pendulums made over a 15 second time period.)
2. We'll be adding the terms "standard" and "controlled experiment" to our word banks.
3. No homework

Wednesday, August 21   (Blue Day)
1. After testing for the Midwestern states and capitals last week, students are moving to learning the state locations and capitals of the 13 Southern states this week.
2. Students will be making a Southern state study guide today. That will be placed in their class binder in the Social Studies section.
3. Homework: Begin study for Southern states / capitals Test scheduled for Thursday, August 29.

Thursday, August 22   (Gold Day)
1. The pendulum data collected Tuesday from the length experiments will be transferred to two coordinate graphs. The graphs will be used to make predictions based on the data.
2. FOSS Science Stories article with worksheet.
3. No homework

Friday, August 23   (Blue Day)
1. The "Hurkle" game is scheduled for today. (A game reinforcing the skill of finding your way around a two coordinate graph)
2. A "Cool-Science" activity (TBA)
3. No homework (Unless you'd like to spend a few minutes going over the Southern states and capitals.)

Here are some online state and capital games to try:




Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 12-16

Monday, August 12   (Gold Day)
1. Last week the groups worked together to make the equipment needed in our investigation of pendulums. (i.e. the pendulums with string paper clips and a penny) A one penny mass is fastened with a paper clip to the end of a 35 cm. string. - Today, groups with begin experimenting to see how many cycles their pendulums will make in 15 seconds. Results will be recorded in their science journals.
2. Students will use science journals to reflect on today's activity and to speculate on variables that might change the pendulum's cycles over a 15 second time span.
3. Review of mid-western states and capitals for tomorrow's test.
4. Homework: Study for states and capitals test.

Tuesday, August 13   (Blue Day)
1. States and capitals review game.
2. States and capitals test
3. Cool-Science Experiment
4. No homework

Wednesday, August 14  (Gold Day)
Signed assignment books and behavior cards are due today.
1. Today in science students will make hypotheses on how changing the length of the string or the amount of mass will affect the pendulum's cycles and then test their hypotheses by changing those variables. Results will be recorded in their science journals.
2.  No homework

Thursday, August 15   (Blue Day)
1. USA Weekly Social Studies Paper #1 - Cartography, Continents, Oceans, Latitude and Longitude
2. Worksheet on finding information in the paper. (Due tomorrow)
3. Homework: Any worksheet questions not finished in class

Friday, August 16   (Gold Day)
Today is picture day! Fifth grade pictures are scheduled first in the day.
1. Data collected on the pendulum experiments this week will be reported on line graphs. Students will learn to make predictions on future outcomes with graphed data.
2.. Map game if time permits.
3. No homework

Saturday, August 3, 2013

August 5-9

Monday, August 5   (Blue Day)
1. We'll be setting up the binder for this class today. Students will use four tab dividers to make sections for: bell work, science, social studies, and the USA Weekly news magazines.
2. Science: Learning about lab/science class safety rules with Sponge Bob and Patrick.
3. Related Arts classes
4.. No homework

Tuesday, August 6   (Gold Day)
1. Science: Variables Module, Investigation 1 (pendulums)
2. Read Science Stories: What Scientists Do
3. No homework

Wednesday, August 7   (Blue Day)
1. Science: Variable Module, Investigation 1 continued
2. Science Journal writing activity (vocabulary)
3. No homework

I hate the idea of being out of the classroom this early in the year, but my wife's mother in Joliet, Illinois fell and has had hip surgery. We need to be there at the end of this week to take care of some related family business. As a result, I'll be out on Thursday and Friday of this week. I've already discussed with the students that they have the same expectations with a substitute teacher as they do when I'm there.


Thursday, August 8   (Gold Day)
1. Social Studies: Intro to Geography (Reviewing continents, oceans, latitude, and longitude)
3. Social Studies: Reading maps
4. No homework

Friday, August 9   (Blue Day)
1. Science: Reporting data with a line graph
2. Science: Making predictions with a line graph
3. Social studies: Map work
4. Related Arts classes
5. No homework

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sad News at Maxwell

Everyone at Maxwell was deeply saddened by the unexpected passing of Mr. Todd Heller, husband of fourth grade teacher, Kandy Heller.

Many of our current fifth graders were very close to Mrs. Heller from their time with her last year. If any of our students need additional support in this difficult time, our Social Worker, Mr. Scott Stroud, and the entire Maxwell staff will provide whatever support is necessary for your children.

If you have any concerns about the needs of your children, please contact Mr. Whitaker or Mr. Stroud at MIS.
