Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 19 - 23

* Four students have turned in paragraphs to be included in the election for student council representative from our Homeroom 402. We'll have the election this week. I'll read each paper (without name), and the class will vote for their choice based only on what was written.


This Week's Plans and Assignments

Monday, August 19   (Blue Day)
1. USA Weekly - We didn't get much done on this Friday, so we'll finish it up today.
   a. Partner work on an information worksheet
   b. Individual work on a world map worksheet
2.  Homework - The crossword puzzle on page 4 may be done as optional homework for extra credit.

Tuesday, August 20   (Gold Day)
1. In science today students will be making new pendulums with different lengths of strings to test for the length variable. (Last week, students reached the conclusion after testing that the mass of the bob at the end of the pendulum did not affect the number of cycles their pendulums made over a 15 second time period.)
2. We'll be adding the terms "standard" and "controlled experiment" to our word banks.
3. No homework

Wednesday, August 21   (Blue Day)
1. After testing for the Midwestern states and capitals last week, students are moving to learning the state locations and capitals of the 13 Southern states this week.
2. Students will be making a Southern state study guide today. That will be placed in their class binder in the Social Studies section.
3. Homework: Begin study for Southern states / capitals Test scheduled for Thursday, August 29.

Thursday, August 22   (Gold Day)
1. The pendulum data collected Tuesday from the length experiments will be transferred to two coordinate graphs. The graphs will be used to make predictions based on the data.
2. FOSS Science Stories article with worksheet.
3. No homework

Friday, August 23   (Blue Day)
1. The "Hurkle" game is scheduled for today. (A game reinforcing the skill of finding your way around a two coordinate graph)
2. A "Cool-Science" activity (TBA)
3. No homework (Unless you'd like to spend a few minutes going over the Southern states and capitals.)

Here are some online state and capital games to try:




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