Cultural Understanding through Literature
An understanding of our cultural heritage is incomplete without exposure to the richness of great literary treasures. Throughout the year fifth grade students will get the opportunity to hear several classic short stories from that heritage. This past week, Blocks 1 and 3 listened to the O. Henry story, "The Ransom of Red Chief." (Block 2's turn is Tuesday.) Among the stories scheduled for later in the year are O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Diamond Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.(Click the links below to read those three stories here.)
The Ransom of Red Chief
The Gift of the Magi
The Diamond Necklace
This Week's Activities and Assignments
Monday, September 2
No School - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3 (Blue Day)
1. Science: Bill Nye video on buoyancy
2. Science: Science Jeopardy
3. No Homework
Wednesday, September 4 (Gold Day)
1. Science: Lab - Construct new boats and test for capacity
2. Science: Transfer data to line graph
3. No Homework
Thursday, September 5 (Blue Day)
1. Social Studies: USA Weekly #3 with worksheet
2. Social Studies: Mapping project
3. Homework: Crossword puzzle on page 4 of USA Weekly is optional extra credit
Friday, September 6 (Gold Day)
1. Science: Finish up any work from the week's lab work
2. Science: FOSS Science Stories - pages 10-14 with questions
3. Science: Playing "Will it Float?"
4. No Weekend Homework
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