Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 4 - 8

The second round of parent-teacher conferences is set for Tuesday, November 5 from 3:00-7:00.

We started the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program on Thursday. Students met Officer McCarley of GPD, set up their DARE workbooks, and were introduced to the goals and objectives of the program. Officer McCarley will be helping train new GPD officers next week, but our DARE program will resume the following week.

Fifth grade students had an exciting week in their science classes as they welcomed the newest addition to the lab - green anoles.

The anoles, lizards commonly found the the southeastern United States, were shipped to MIS this past Tuesday. Mr. Ellars and Mrs. Ashley worked late that afternoon unpacking lizards, crickets, and earthworms from their UPS shipping crates into more comfortable accommodations.

On Wednesday, students had their first chance to observe the anoles and set up terrariums for each lab group. Science classes took the day off on Thursday for our DARE program, but returned to the lab on Friday to transfer an anole from the holding cage to each lab group's individual terrarium. Students completed an observation sheet, fed their anole a live cricket, and created a rainy day in their terrarium with a spray bottle of spring water.

The science goal for Friday was to observe a live animal specimen and to record observed data.

Video clip of male anole showing dewlap and changing color.

Science Thought for the Day
Science is not a "subject," it's a method. It's a methodical, logical way of finding answers to questions. It's an approach to searching for truth that applies to life in general and reaches far beyond the walls of any science classroom. 

Activities and Assignments for the Week
Monday, November 4  (Blue Day)
1. Lab - Observing crickets with data worksheet
2. No homework

Tuesday, November 5  (Gold Day) 
* Feeding day for anoles
1. Reading in the "Food Chains and Webs" book with worksheet
2. USA Weekly #8 with questions to answer
3. Homework: Finish USA Weekly questions if necessary (crossword puzzle for extra credit)

Wednesday, November 6  (Blue Day)
1. Discuss - "What do Crickets Eat?"
2. Vocabulary entries in lab journals
3. Cricket body part worksheet for lab journals

Thursday, November 7  (Gold Day)
1.Lab - Earthworms and decomposers
2. Video - "The Magic School Bus Meets the Rot Squad"   [View the video]

Friday, November 8  (Blue Day)
* Feeding day for anoles
* Veterans' Day program
1. Finish "Food Chains and Webs" booklet with worksheet
2. Lab - Anoles and crickets

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