Friday, October 25, 2013

October 28-November 1

The Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on this Wednesday, October 30 and next Tuesday, November 5. We'll be meeting with parents from 3:00 to 7:00 both days after school. If you don't have a time yet be sure to get in touch with your child's homeroom teacher as available times are almost filled up.

Pumpkin Decorating
The PTO is sponsoring an afternoon of pumpkin decorating. Bring along the whole family to MIS this Saturday, October 26 from 2:00-4:00.

The D.A.R.E. program (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education) starts this week. Officer Steve McCarley of the Greenfield Police Department will be here on Tuesday for the Blue Team and on Thursday for the Gold Team. Permissions slips are due at the beginning of the week.

This Week's Activities and Assignments
Monday, October 28   Gold Day
1. Bell Work
2. Review what we've done in the Variables Module since the beginning of the year
3. Create a set of review notes
4. Bill Nye video  (if time allows)
5. No homework

Tuesday, October 29   Blue Day
1. Bell Work
2. Checkup over Variables Module   (Open note checkup)
3. USA Weekly history paper #7
4. No homework

Wednesday, October 30   Gold Day
1. Bell Work
2. Introduction to Food Chains and Webs Module
     * Vocabulary: terrarium, organism
     * Review materials and set up procedures
     * Assemble terrariums
3. No homework

Thursday, October 31   Blue Day
1. Bell Work
2. D.A.R.E. program with Officer McCarley
3. No homework

Friday, November 1   Gold Day
1. Bell Work
2. Worm activity
3. Observe anoles and crickets
4. No homework

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