Friday, January 20, 2012

Week of January 23-27

Assignments for this math class are also online at the Maxwell Intermediate School website. Just navigate to the Maxwell site ( and click on "Team Sites," then "6th Grade Gold Team," and finally "Mr. Ellars."

Assignments for January 23-27

Monday, Jan 23
1. Finish the Unit 5 test
2. Distribute the Journal, Volume 2

Tuesday, Jan 24: Multiplication with fractions and mixed numbers
1. Journal pages 205-206 (class work)
2. Homework: Journal page 207

Wednesday, Jan 25: Division with fractions and mixed numbers
1. Journal pages 208-209 (class work)
2. No homework tonight

Thursday, Jan 26: Division with fractions and mixed numbers
1. Introduce complex fractions
2. Homework: Journal page 210

Friday, Jan 27: Reviewing operations with integers
1. Journal pages 211-212
2. Challenge problem
3. No weekend homework

Throughout the week, RTI groups will be working on basic operations with fractions and mixed numbers, station activities, and a game of Fraction Bingo at the end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. There is a website that you can print off worksheets for dividing/multiplying (add & subtract too) fractions and integers for your child to practice at home. Also, they have a fraction calculator to check their answers!! It's great and I highly recommend it!! It's
