We'll do little more work on division with fractions on Monday before moving on the integers. On friday, we outlined the following steps for the fraction division algorithm:
(1.) Make sure everything in the problem is expressed in fraction form. (Change any whole numbers or mixed fractions to all fraction)
(2.) Copy the dividend (that's the first number) without change.
(3.) Change the sign from division to multiplication.
(4.) Write the reciprocal of the divisor. (Flip that second number upside down)
(5.) Multiply
Students who had a good understanding of that algorithm had the opportunity to explore why that works by examining complex fractions. (Something most of us didn't even know existed until one of our high school math classes) Some of the students also learned an even shorter way of dividing fractions by using cross multiplication.
Tips on basic computation with integers (positive and negative numbers) will appear on this blog as we cover the material this week.
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